This is the first entry in my new blog. I decided to start my own blog because I am inspired by my upcoming tour to Switzerland, France and Italy! I'm looking forward to sharing my music with people on different parts of the globe, and getting new inspiration from the people I meet and the new experiences I will get to have. I feel so lucky! Please join me on my journey!
I'll be playing solo acoustic mostly, with a couple of gigs with a band in Italy.
I have been trying to decide what to bring for clothes for nearly three weeks!
I even learned how to drive a stick. Wow, it's about time!
My good friend Brittan will be my travel companion for the first ten days out of the month long tour, and for the last week or so, my fiancee Paul will be joining me for the Italian leg of the tour.
I'll be in a different town nearly every day, so there will be lots of photos and stories to go with them!
I look forward to staying in touch with you, and your comments are most welcome as I'm sure I'll need some company especially when I'm flying solo.
Till soon,
xoxoxox Katrin
p.s. the entire schedule can be found on my website